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Aluminum Oxide Polishing Slurry

Silicon Carbide Polishing Slurry
Surface Superior Finishing AO polishing slurry is an eco-friendly, water-based polishing liquid that utilizes ultra-fine polishing abrasives to provide a high level of polishing efficiency. The slurry features excellent dispersion and uniform grit sizes, making it ideal for fine polishing of MPO/MTP aluminum oxide abrasive powders.
The alkaline chemistry of Surface Superior Finishing AO polishing slurry, combined with high-purity (>99.99%) alumina powders, makes it the perfect solution for precision polishing of optical materials, electro-optical materials, laser crystals, ophthalmic lenses, and metallurgical specimen preparation. This slurry is typically used in critical polishing applications to achieve surface finishes approaching a few angstroms.
It is important to note that the data provided below represents functional particle sizes, which are typically smaller than those measured with standard light scattering metrology. These measurements are indicative of how the particles will behave under pressure during polishing applications.
By utilizing Surface Superior Finishing AO polishing slurry, you can achieve a superior level of surface finishing while also reducing your environmental impact. This eco-friendly slurry is an excellent choice for those who are looking for a high-performance polishing solution that is also environmentally responsible.
In summary, Surface Superior Finishing AO polishing slurry is a water-based, eco-friendly polishing liquid that utilizes ultra-fine polishing abrasives to provide a high level of polishing efficiency. It is ideal for fine polishing of MPO/MTP aluminum oxide abrasive powders and is perfect for precision polishing of a variety of materials. With its excellent dispersion and uniform grit sizes, this slurry is an excellent choice for critical polishing applications. 
1. Finer end-face finishing    
2. Rare edge Fraction after polishing    
3. Consistent Fiber Height for all ports    
4. Easy cleaning for slurry and no residue. 
Alumnium Oxide Polishing Slurry
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